Saturday, 3 September 2011

Day 8: Week in.

Once again, I awake nice and early (or not-nice and early. It doesn't matter what country i’m in, 7 will ALWAYS be too low a number to see on my clock when I first open my eyes in the morning.) So its a protein bar and a scoop of Jack3d for breakfast again (terrible I know but if you think i’m gonna wake up EVEN EARLIER to get a meal in, you don't know me very well!!)

So in a sleepy haze, I walk down stairs onto the mat (the convenience totally outweighs the negatives!). John is taking the class again. We begin, as usual, with some stand up. A two-on-one drag down into turtle, then the nice turn over into side/arm attacks, the same one John taught the first class I was here. So we pair off, and I spot a young man looking particularly stylish; fully adorned in Scramble gear, be like water rashguard and crossed swords shorts. Of course I have no choice but to pair up with a man with such a fine taste in fighting attire. The guys name is Alex, from Blackpool, England and a blue belt under Mario Sukata. He was in New York on a family holiday and decided to get a session in at Renzos; seems he picks his gyms as well as his training clothes. Next technique is from the “four point position”, this is a failed take down or otherwise that leaves the opponent facedown, on both hands and feet with his hips in the air. We did a nice way of blocking the shoulders and hips and dropping the guy down, but into a position where he couldn't stabilize his base and therefore drops half onto his side. From there, as long as your weight is placed correctly, its extremely difficult for the guy to move and either you more round to side with an arm to attack, or he attempts to get to his knees and you move to the opposite side once again with an arm to attack.

After this we went into sparring. Once again, 4 6 min rounds. Me and Alex rolled first. Turns out he's a fan of guillotines as well, and as he attempts to submit me with my own move I must quickly return the favor ;). Anyway we have a good roll. And its nice to speak to someone from England; as although they’re meant to speak English over here, its seems that half the people don't understand a word i’m saying most of the time!?!?! After rolling with Alex I spar with a couple of other people. At the end of the class John calls everyone over and informs us that although monday is a bank holiday “holidays are for the weak”, and classes will run as usual, and anyone who misses mondays session will be “punished”.

One thing I noticed while half a sleep warming up this morning was the number of Renzo Gracie logo tattoos on the students. With my tired eyes I spotted at least 3 or 4 Renzo Gracie “Lion logo” tattoos on peoples inner biceps, and there weren't that many people wearing short sleeved T shirts or rashguards. I’ve seen at least 3 or 4 others with the logo on their chest as well. I find it fascinating, the loyally and dedication that is shown when you put your teams logo on you forever, it seems like, as many will find in Jiu Jitsu, that the team is less like a team, and almost like a religion. That there is something that binds its students together far more than simply: “I live closest to here so I train here”, this either means that the academy is run as such a tight nit, family unit or that Renzo is great at brain washing people..... I suspect it’s the former.

After the class I take my collected bag of dirty training clothes to the cleaners to get washed and go get some breakfast. I have the afternoon to kill until training with Roger et al at 5.30. I do my now routine “bottle-of-water-buy” at Starbucks to use their wifi for a few hours. I’ve been wanting to get the internet in my room (just to pimp it out that much further) so I went to get a 3G “dongle” you plug into you laptop. Now correct me if im wrong, but in the UK a 3G dongle is about 20-30 quid max, and buying download memory isnt to much more, RIGHT?!? Well over here, you’re looking at $150 for the dongle and $50 to start you off with some memory!!! BEFORE TAX!!!! Needless to say, I spat out my metaphorical coffee and left the store. But not easily defeated, it was not long until the Raspberry Ape had formulated a plan and even shorter before putting said plan into action. I went into T mobile and purchased a sim card for my Ipad. It cost me $50 and allowed me to access the internet through 3G on my Ipad. Having previously jail broken my Ipad; unlocking its FULL POWER MUHAHAHAHAHA (except less dramatic). I then download a program that would allow me to use my Ipad to create a wireless hotspot that my laptop, as well as my phone, could access. And VOLA internet on my laptop, Iphone and Ipad anywhere in the United States. And only about $150 dollars less. I love it when a plan comes together (and possible advice for anyone considering buying a dongle in America (or anywhere). I will add that Iphones can also be jail broken and used to create a wifi hotspot for a computer).

Anyway, after all that excitement it was time for training. I get changed and jump on the mat. And not the most welcoming of sites; it seems like the group is once again 4 of us: Me, Roger Gracie (about 100kgs and oh, only the best BJJ fighter ever to live), David Branch (UFC and Bellator fighter, BJJ black belt and around 90kgs) and “Jerry” Rinaldi (2 time NCAA all american wrestling champ, BJJ black belt, silver medalist at ADCC and only about 100kgs). Its was a long tough session. We did about 5 rounds of closed guard sparring and 4 or 5 rounds of free sparring. I didn’t sit out a round and felt a lot better than when I rolled with these guys the first day I got here, maybe getting used to the heat a bit more everyday. Although it would be a bit nicer, if while Roger is throwing you all over the place, he at least ACTED like he was putting in ANY effort. A good session. I visit my now “go-to” Japanese restaurant for dinner, before chilling a bit and then going to sleep.

Ape out.

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