Friday 2 September 2011

Day 7: Photo tour !!

Being Thursday there was no nogi classes. So I did a bit of weights around midday. Walk around NY and spent a while in starbucks on the internet.

I also, as promised, I took some pictures of Renzos gym. This blog has been very void of anything but letters, so I thought id take one giant photo dump on all of you. Hold your breath and enjoy.

The lobby/team trophy room.

The main mat area !!! It is very big (this pic only shows half of it!!)

Side mat area. Other classes go on here during main classes.

First floor. Muay Thai mat with full length cage wall. Nearly never without someone hitting someone or something. (Photos were taken at night when locked in. Like a ninja.)

Second floor. Another big matted area, normally MMA or something going on here. Backs onto my room.

Ring at the back of the matted area.

Full cage behind the ring. I normally wake up to Roger kneeing people in here.

Now the crazy stuff! The mens changing room is a standard changing room you'd find in any gym. However I managed to stumble across the womens changing room (innocently). And it is INSANE. Without a doubt the nicest changing room ive ever seen in a gym ANYWHERE (BJJ, MMA or even a commercial gym)

Showers and toilets with Renzo Gracie logo etched on!

Check that shit out !!!!

Finally, my room, REVISED. Now with entertainment centre (laptop), luxury blow up bed and air conditioning (fan, stolen overnight from the male changing rooms. Also it sounds like a turbo jet taking off, but worth it for the coolness).

Hope this brings some insight into one of the biggest (maybe the biggest) BJJ gym in the world.

Ape out.


  1. Yh. Its gargantuan. And all very nice and shiny and clean. Cleaner washes the mats after every class (5 or so a day). But for around 1500 members what do u expect !!!!!!!!

  2. Hey mate,

    Just wanted to leave a quick note letting you know that I'm loving your blog. I got onto you through Meerkatsu and then the Lock and Roll Show.

    Keen to hear about more of your adventures in the US!

  3. Thanks brother! Glad your enjoying it!

  4. jebus christ almighty on a bicycle. doing wheelies. no hands. while a bear fights a shark in outer space.
